Growing older means I’m regularly losing muscle mass. Thus, I need to exercise regularly and increase my protein intake. I’m not on any special diet nor do I plan to have one, but I have read about the paleo diet and I do know a little biochemistry. I’ve heard arguments made that our hunter-gatherer-adapted human bodies are mismatched to what’s available foodwise in the modern era. There is some truth to this; larger scale evolutionary changes can take a long time; many people have had very sedentary lifestyles for maybe a couple of generations; and the access to high-energy low-fiber processed foods is unprecedented. Worse, the cheapest foods are the worst nutritionally (except for consuming sheer calories) leading to a larger divide between socioeconomic classes.
But have paleo-enthusiasts overstated the case? That’s the topic of Paleofantasy by Marlene Zuk, a professor of ecology, evolution and behavior. The subtitle: “What evolution really tells us about sex, diet and how we live.” Zuk makes three main points: (1) Evolution is always happening, (2) the rate of evolution can change (sometimes drastically) depending on the environment and selection pressure, and (3) evolution is not goal-directed – there’s no pinnacle of perfection that organisms are marching towards. She tackles the topics of diet, exercise, sexual habits, and communal-living. She talks about the effects of genes and the environment. And there’s even a tiny section about the two kinds of earwax and who might have which type.
I’d previously mused about what one can learn from the bone structures of hominids and their close cousins from reading Daniel Lieberman’s The Story of the Human Body. It discussed dentition and what foods hominids might have adapted to eating. Zuk’s book complements this by examining genetics and biochemistry. Today’s post will mainly muse on the diet aspects of Paleofantasy. While there are many variations of paleo diets, the typical argument made by enthusiasts runs like this: Large-scale agriculture has only been practiced for 5000+ years. Hunter-gathering hominids have been around for a few million. Evolution takes a long time. We’ve had millions of years to adapt to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle so we should be eating much more meat, some fruits and nuts, and avoid grains and dairy.
Zuk spends an entire chapter on consuming milk and lactose tolerance. All mammals (yes, we’re named after our infancy milk drinking!) have enzymes that help to digest and break down the sugars in milk. After weaning, we lose that ability. In humans, the enzyme lactase is active in our very early years and then the majority of us stop producing it. But some people continue to do so, and thus they have lactase persistence (more commonly referred to as lactose tolerance). Humans have been cattle-breeding for a while, 7000 or more years. Since there are 4-5 generations per hundred years, this adds up to 280-350 generations. Could lactase persistence have evolved within this period? Quite possibly, and Zuk provides some evidence to support her argument. What is particularly interesting is that the genes contributing to lactase persistence are different in lactose-tolerant Europeans and Africans (with additional differences among different herding African groups). In some cases these are the genes of our cells, in other cases they relate to gut microbiota.
If you are following a paleo diet today, it is actually very difficult to eat like a Stone Age hunter-gatherer would. The meat you get is different and you’re certainly not hunting it down fresh (nor are the animals we eat eating the same things they did in the Stone Age). The fruit available to Stone Agers was likely much less sweet, more fibrous, and required much more chewing. Even the few hunter-gatherer societies living in very remote areas today do not have the same diet as their ancestors hundreds of generations ago. Zuk also discusses evidence that grains and tubers were eaten in the Stone Age although they aren’t the same as today’s grains and tubers. And in early hominid times, before the invention of the bow and arrow, meat was not as easy to obtain in large quantities. There was likely more gathering than hunting.
A Stone Age hunter-gatherer was on average, a hungry person. Yes, there would be times of plenty and feasting, but more often than not, there would be very lean times. You might say that we are adapted to munch energy-dense foods whenever we can get it, and for many millenia this was not easy for most of the population. It’s still true of our ape cousins in the wild, unlike those in zoos with the same problem as us – easy access to calories and not enough exercise. Were our paleolithic ancestors well-adapted to their foods? It’s hard to say. Zuk argues that “the notion that humans got to a point in evolutionary history when their bodies were somehow in sync with the environment” is a fantasy. There’s never a match, so I suppose there was always a mismatch – but this may not be the appropriate comparison.The Stone Age diet was likely very varied – you eat what you can get, and it would change over time and place.
I found Zuk’s discussion on amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch, interesting. Scientists studied the distribution of the number of copies for the amylase gene in different populations. Turns out that in populations that have been eating starch as a mainstay, “70 percent of the people had at least six copies of the amylase gene”; in populations that did not, it was less than 40 percent. The populations studied included present hunter-gatherer groups (both pastoralists and tuber-eating groups) and modern day society groups in each category. I haven’t gotten myself tested to know how many copies I have, but I don’t recall having problems with eating rice, my mainstay carb. That being said, I have over the years moved to increasing the mix of brown rice to my white. There’s also an interesting short discussion about the NAT2 gene and folate availability, but I need to read up a bit more about its biochemistry.
Reading about differential rates of evolution, genetic drift, and how a harsher environment can accelerate evolutionary changes, made me think about my origin-of-life research. Today, we know that prokaryotes and viruses can evolve and adapt quickly because their generation time is short and they can be subject to significant environmental pressure. For eukaryotes and multicellular organisms, the body-system provides more of a buffer against the vagaries of the environment, thus changes do not occur as quickly. But you might still see noticeable changes in as little as tens or hundreds of generations. For a proto-metabolic system, this might also be the case. Thus, I can potentially build kinetic models to explore how a proto-cellular chemistry might evolve with selection pressure. Figuring out what these kinetic parameters are, and for that matter what protometabolic systems might be self-sustaining is my present challenge. What was the Stone Age for the first organisms? I don’t know, but I would surmise that some mismatch may always have existed because there was never really a match in the first place. In life, good enough to survive is good enough.