“When it was built, the American presidential residence in
Washington, DC, was coated in a damp-repellent mixture of slaked lime and glue,
and people started to call it the White House. Tombs were likewise brushed with
lime to protect them from the ravages of the weather.”
This is how the section on calcium compounds begins in Periodic Tales by Hugh Aldersey-Williams.
(You're reading the fourth blog post on this book, here are the third, second and first.) What an interesting pair of facts – I did not realize that
the reason for the white ‘paint’ had to do with the damp-repelling aspects of
calcium oxide, more commonly known as lime. Actually calcium oxide works well
as a desiccant because of its ability to absorb water. Apparently that is why
it was used in burials, reducing the process of putrefaction and decay by
absorbing moisture.
We are most familiar with a different white compound,
calcium carbonate, also known as limestone. This is the white of chalk,
majestically displayed in the white cliffs of Dover. (I’d like to see them with
my own eyes someday.) The author makes the interesting observation that we
think of writing mainly as black ink on white paper, but many centuries ago it
was likely much easier to use white chalk to write on a dark surface. I first
taught using chalk on a blackboard, but now use dry-erase markers on a white
board. I’m not sure which is worst – chalk dust or organic fumes from the ink
or solvent cleaner. That being said, the markers of today do not have the
characteristic smell of its predecessors, and good quality white boards do not
require frequent treatment and the solvent cleaner.
Chalk powder can be used as markers for any surface where
their white contrasts with practically anything on the ground but snow. I
learned that the Italian word for calcium, calcio
(which spell-check annoyingly changed to ‘calico’ – good thing I noticed), is
the same word for football (or soccer for U.S. folks). The author writes, “both
meanings derive from the Latin calx,
which is not only literal lime but also a metaphor for a goal, an achievement
marked perhaps by a chalk line crossed.” Interestingly the root word also gave
rise to calcination, meaning roasting
in air, a word introduced by the alchemists. Calcination allows one to make
lime from limestone, driving out the CO2 from chalk (CaCO3)
to form lime (CaO). I bet you can write a balanced chemical equation for this
process, now that you know the chemical formulae!
I’ve often used calcium carbonate as an example in my non-science
major chemistry courses. It features prominently in the topic “Acids and Bases”
because of its many applications as an acid neutralizer. I have a standard
antacid demo with three flasks containing hydrochloric acid at a pH mimicking
stomach acid. The flasks are mounted on stirplates, each with a magnetic stir
bar. These give the aura of some exciting lab experiment – students every year
think the magnetic stirrers are nifty gadgets! A drop of acid-base indicator is
added to the solution. (I typically use bromothymol blue for this demo.) I get
three student volunteers and each of them gets a mortar and pestle to grind up
their chosen antacid. The students then get to wear safety goggles and lab
gloves, and at the count of three they add their powdery substance to the
flasks. Everyone watches with bated breath, but usually nothing happens. That’s
because the reaction takes time (5-20 minutes depending on the starting
At this point I usually continue with the lesson, but the
students (especially those in the front row) are keeping a close eye awaiting
the colour change as the calcium carbonate neutralizes the base. In the
meantime I’m describing why limestone near lakes acts as a buffer against
acidification, and the process of liming a lake to prevent its pH from dropping
due to acid rain and other processes. It’s also a good time to talk about the
sources contributing to acid rain. We also talk about eating chalk if you were
having acid reflux but your antacid was nowhere close at hand. At some point,
one of the flasks will change colour before the others, leading to a flurry of
excitement and cheers. It’s also a good time to discuss what an acid-base base
indicator is, and why it changes colours based on pH.
In my General Chemistry course (for science majors), the
decomposition of limestone into lime, while releasing carbon dioxide, is one of
the early examples in “Equilibrium”. That’s because in this particular case,
the equilibrium constant of the reaction is equal to the partial pressure of CO2.
It’s also a good initial system to discuss aspects of Le Chatelier’s Principle.
Lime does come up when I’m discussing lattice energies, but up to this point
I’ve failed to say anything interesting about it in class. Maybe I’m too
focused on the principles behind lattice energies that I forget that calcium
oxide is interesting in its own right.
The author pontificates: “Whiteness is freedom from colour
and an escape from the rainbow chaos of life. Lime’s whiteness is a scourging
simplicity, the purity of an ideal, the finality of a death. Whiting is the
action of adding a layer of lime-wash, yet it is also a subtraction, a gesture
towards liberation, a brushing away of the earth and the earthly, a
disencumberance, a literal lightening and also the lightening of a load. The
cleansing and preserving action of whitewashing ritually repeats the throwing
of lime into the grave with the corpse. Our bodies decay, our bones are left,
picked clean and bleached of all colour. We fade to white.”
But there is a glimmer of light: “Human intention lined in
white is not always grimly fateful. Herman Melville in a chapter-long
digression from the hunt for Moby-Dick meditates on how ‘whiteness refiningly
enhances beauty, as if imparting some special virtue on its own, as in marbles,
japonicas and pearls.’ Two of these three, it is no surprise to find, are
calcium white. Japonica is the exception: white in nature where it is not
mineral – real white horses, white bears, white elephants, the albino and the
albatross – is attributable not to calcium but to the arrangement of organic
matter in cells in such a way that it scatters light of all colours.”