Last week was an in-between week. Classes and final exams
were over the previous week, and I enjoyed seeing our senior class graduate and
meeting their happy families. This week, many of the students are back for
summer research, so the building is starting to bustle with activity again. My
research lab is being renovated this summer, and on that pretext I decided not
to take on summer students. (Actually I do have one student starting today who
is primarily working in a different lab this summer 75% of the time. The other
25% of the time she will continue her project in my lab from the past year. She
is remarkably independent and can make good progress with little supervision.)
I took advantage of the quietness last week to outline my
research plan for the summer. Having the time to slowly read through my
research students’ final reports from the spring semester, I decided to focus on
moving one of the exploratory student projects to the point of submitting a
manuscript. I outlined the scope of the suite of molecular complexes that
needed to be calculated (I’m a computational chemist) and put it on my white
board – now clear of last-minute questions from students prior to final exams.
I’ve been adding small flourishes to the diagram as I make progress on the
project. Here’s a snapshot from today.
I have two other goals: (1) learn a new piece of potentially
useful software, and decide if I want to purchase licenses for the next year,
and (2) devote some time to reading broadly in my field. Starting last week I divided
up my day so that research on my main project takes place in the morning. The
afternoon is spent reading and learning the new software, with the last hour at
work on research again. If some of the earlier computations have finished, I
set up a few more calculations for the machines to crunch on while I’m away
from work in the evenings. I do have the occasional administrative task or meeting
to attend to, but so far this plan is working out well.
Besides reading papers directly related to my research
projects, my May-June reading plan will cover three books. The first is a book
I actually read through quickly over winter break: Nick Lane’s The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution and
the Origins of Complex Life. The goal was to take a first pass to see if
there were any crucial insights I should incorporate into my current research
projects. The goal this summer is to read through it again slowly and
carefully, and evaluate the grand plan put forward by Lane as he pulls together
different pieces supporting his hydrothermal vent redox coupling scenario. I’m
familiar with the work by Lane, and also that of Mike Russell who had predicted
the existence of milder temperature alkaline vents before Lost City was
discovered. Lane’s book is well-written and he always has provocative and
interesting ideas. (Since discovering his excellent book Oxygen over a decade ago, I’ve kept an eye out on his writings.) I
hope to write a multi-part blog presenting and analyzing some of the ideas in
his book in late June or early July.
In the meantime I have just started reading A Brief History of Creation by Bill
Mesler and Jim Cleaves. It begins with the ideas of Anaximander (one of those
Greek philosophers), then moves on to Aristotle and the idea of Spontaneous
Generation. Augustine of Hippo makes a brief appearance before we skip forward to
the 17th century featuring Francesco Redi and Antonie van
Leeuwenhoek. I did not know much of the history surrounding these two men, but
the authors have an engaging narrative that brings them to life! Next up, in
the 18th century, is a story of rivalry between Needham and
Voltaire, with appearances by the Comte de Buffon (I still can’t get over his
funny sounding title). No story would be complete without a love triangle involving
a girl, a brilliant one at that – and very possibly smarter and more capable
than all the men featured. That’s as far as I’ve gotten but I’m looking forward
to the rest of the book. Depending how it goes, I might use it in a class in
place of Genesis: The Scientific Quest for Life’s Origins by Robert Hazen. (I previously used this as
supplementary reading in two classes and it worked well.)
While the books by Lane and Mesler/Cleaves are aimed at a
more general audience, I’m most of the way through a more academic book, The Minimal Cell. The subtitle of the
book describes its contents: The Biophysics of Cell Compartment and the Origin
of Cell Functionality. Like many other specialized academic books in the
sciences, it is a collection of articles by different authors. One of the
editors (who also contributes to the volume) is Pier Luigi Luisi, a big name in
the origin-of-life field. He has brought together an eclectic collection of
scientists with expertise in different areas. The result is an interesting book
but also highly technical in parts, and therefore not as accessible without
background information. I struggled through parts of the book and skimmed over
some areas.
Interesting things I learned from this collection of
Cell cytoplasm is super-crowded, and this has a
significant impact on the thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical reactions. Having
just taught second-semester Physical Chemistry, it’s a reminder how the
“dilute” approximation greatly simplifies the equations. But this is clearly
not the case in the cytoplasm!
What is the lower limit of organism size? Given
the ALH84001 controversy twenty years ago, and more recent reports of
nanobacteria, this is particularly relevant to demarcating the transition from
chemistry to biology. I learned about gene sizes, water content, number of
copies of ribosomes and other proteins needed for minimal functionality, and
differences in autotroph, heterotroph and parasitic requirements. Given certain
assumptions, the limit might be ~200nm in diameter assuming a sphere.
The behavior of water and solutes in gels and at
interfaces is very interesting. I have very little background in rheology, and
I found it both fascinating and baffling. Given the size of cells and their
membranes, it’s crazy how they still function while being experimentally subjected
to electroporation, the patch-clamp method, and inserting microelectrodes. One
author described this as disrupting the membrane using lances, swords and guns.
Building a minimal cell from scratch to
investigate how few components are needed for the cell to “do its work”
complements reductionist approaches where things were taken apart to learn how
they functioned. But this may have importance beyond origin-of-life questions.
A carefully engineered minimal cell could be very specific and efficient in its
biosynthetic task. Furthermore its fragility outside narrow laboratory
conditions also reduces potential hazards of such organisms “escaping” into the
Reading and Research – an excellent way to spend the summer!
No doubt I will also be thinking about my classes (I’m excited!) and some ideas
that I have been churning on how to teach chemistry in the context of magic. I
expect to be blogging about those too! I am reminded how much I appreciate the
rhythm of life in academia, and count myself very fortunate to get paid for
something I love doing.