Sunday, May 17, 2020

Bios Megafauna Session Report

I’m finally getting around to writing up a session of Bios Megafauna, 2nd edition. A review of the game can be found here. For a similar “replay the tape” session report on Bios Genesis, see here. I apologize for my poor photo-taking skills. And now without further ado…

Turn 1: We’re in the Orvodician. All is calm. O2 at 7%, albedo at 0.4, Edenic temperature.

An oziphyta develop odontotes (dermal teeth) and filial cannibalism as they colonize Baltica. A hydroskeletal invertebrate disperses its yolky eggs as it spreads across Laurentia. An exoskeletal arthropod in Siberia evolves a courtship dance leading to more offspring. An endoskeletal vertebrate living in Gondwana grows a tail spine.

Turn 2: Tectonic movements along the Ring of Fire lead to volcanoes in East Laurentia, as Baltica crashes in Laurentia. Stagnant hydrologic circulation leads to global loss of algal blooms. O2 at 7%, albedo at 0.5, Edenic temperature.

Oziphyta evolve mandibles, while the invertebrate develops denticles. Both grow in size and spread. The arthropod evolves intercostal muscles as it increases in size, while the endoskeletal vertebrate develops cardiac muscles as they prepare for competition. This seems to be the era of teeth and muscles!

Turn 3: Large amounts of methane are released from the Tunguska coal beds. Tectonic movement leads to Siberia crashing into Gondwana and a rise in ocean levels.

The vertebrates develop a magnetic sense, the invertebrates now have tooth enamel and grooming habits. The plant-like organisms get bigger as they develop pharyngeal glands. As the arthropods evolve echolocation, they speciate into burrowers with infrared sensors out in eastern Siberia.

Turn 4: Huge flood basalt volcanoes erupt in Baltica as large forests spread across the southern hemisphere. O2 levels jump to 13%. Rain leads to widespread erosion. Albedo at 0.5, Edenic temperature.

A new shovel-tusker appears in Laurentia. Its toothy ancestor evolves scimitar incisors as it curiously explores its surroundings. The vertebrates seem happy with more food as they evolve intestinal peristalsis; and with seasonal migration they begin to invade Siberia over the mountains. New flying arthropods are spotted as they have evolved aerobic muscles in the diaphragm allowing them to spread far and wide, crossing the seas, following the winds. Meanwhile the green plants have developed windborne seeds.

[Laurentia-Baltica with oziphyta (green domes), shovel tuskers (orange snails), and winged insects (black flyers)]

[Siberia-Gondwana with arthropods (black) and vertebrates (white).]

[Player tableaus]

Turn 5: A major bolide impact in the Pacific Ocean leads to widespread mutagenic radiation. Oziphyta lose their windborne seeds and mandibles; arthropods lose sperm competition; and the vertebrates decrease in size. O2 at 12%, albedo at 0.6, global temperature cools.

A new vertebrate with an armored spike tail spreads out and challenges the arthropods in Siberia, which develop defensive repugnatorial glands, but in vain. Meanwhile the shovel-tusker develops a prehensile trunk, grows, and spreads, outcompeting the herbivorous oziphyta which have developed ways to absorb more nutrients from food and from the soil.

Turn 6: The Louisville hotspot lip leads to equatorial forests growing at an alarming rate. Acid rain deforestation follows. O2 rises to 18%, albedo increases to 0.7, global temperatures remain cool.

Arthropod burrowers speciate into swimmers with a lunate tail and grasping limbs allowing them to disperse into the southern seas and swamps of Siberia. The armored vertebrate develops a hepatic caecum and continues its dominant spread, as the Paleozoic Era comes to an end.

[Siberia-Gondwana with vertebrate dominance driving the arthropods to the seas and swamps.]

[Shovel-tuskers continue dominate Laurentia-Baltica as the oziphytes are reduced to a small footprint in the east.]

[Paleozoic Events]

Turn #7: As another bolide hits the Pacific, in the beginning of the Mesozoic Era, Siberia-Gondwana drifts north. Silicate weathering takes place and mutagens cause oziphyta and arthropod insects to go extinct. O2 rises to 23%, albedo at 0.8, cool temperatures.

Vertebrates develop clawed toes, and a new burrowing species with digging claws arises! The armored creatures develop abdominal appendages as they swim to Baltica. A new marine oziphyta arises in the Baltica seas. Meanwhile the arthropod swimmers in Siberia develop oral discs. The shovel-tusker develops olfactory organs and continues to grow in size.

Turn #8: A huge pyroclastic volcanic eruption in Laurentia coupled with Azollas carpeting the Arctic plunges the planet into an icehouse. O2 at 23%, albedo at 0.8.

Vertebrates develop proprioreceptors, and their burrowing species develop a pallial lung. Siberian arthropod swimmers evolve whorl-shaped teeth, a syrinx, and can now call to each other in song! The hydroskeletal invertebrates develop amniotic eggs.

Turn #9: Large scale continental extension creates aborted rifts. The southern forests turn arid. A glacial-induced clathrate gun releases tons of ocean methane leading to dramatic global warming. O2 drops to 12%, albedo at 0.6, warm temperatures.

The arthropod swimmers speciate into an armored creature with a carapace in the swamps of Siberia. Meanwhile, the vertebrate armored creatures evolve a liver and continue to grow in size. The shovel-tuskers develop wrists, ankles, and a nose to smell. Armored creatures rule the Mesozoic, as the marine oziphyta quickly evolve a bone marrow, a venomous stinger, and horned male contests.

Turn #10: The central Atlantic magmatic province becomes very active. Siberia-Gondwana drifts south as forests reappear and thrive in the south. A lignin crisis leads to algal blooms in Siberia. O2 levels jump back up to 23%, albedo rises to 0.8, warm temperatures.

The oziphyta join the armored ranks by speciating a new horned shield snail. Meanwhile a vertebrate burrower develops gills in Gondwana and spreads into the seas. The shovel-tusker evolves knuckle walking as its hydroskeletal ancestor shrinks into a vermiform shape.

Turn #11: A supernova in Orion leads to a massive influx of cosmic radiation, causing organ failure and losses to beneficial mutations. The two large continents collide to create Pangaea. O2 at 23%, clouds completely cover the surface, warm temperatures.

Vertebrates continue to dominate as they grow in size into two-tonne beasts! The armored arthropods develop arboreal tendrils while their huge swimmers evolve sweat glands. New hydroskeletal burrowers with peristalsis appear on the scene, amidst their huge shovel-tusker cousins. Marine oziphyta become fiercer as they develop parental protection and mimicry.

[Final player tableaus]

[Poorly angled shot of Pangaea at game-end]

[Mesozoic events; I guess the supernova was bright!]

Final Scores: Green (9), Orange (25), Black (17), White (25).

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